Thursday, August 7, 2008

Therapy anyone?

This is mine. Not all barns are evil. Maybe I'm wrong and they are.
Now if I could just set foot in one.


momma24 said...

Okay, that barn is just CREEPY! I would not set foot in that one.

Pick a different one.

Where is this one at?

chillywilly said...

Oh no not setting foot in that one. If I do it will be the one that I need to set foot in.
That is out by the wildlife and parks

Lisa said...

hey there aunt bobby! i found you on blogger and i made my own up so we can keep in touch! How are you doing?

chillywilly said...

Welcome Lisa. Doing good. I've got you daved to fav. Enjoy blogging

chillywilly said...

Ok I meant saved you knew that tho.

Lisa said...

haha...i got you daved too!