This is not a picture I took.
But isn't it beautiful and soothing? I need both today.
I woke up in a fighting mood and in a weepy mood and just not feeling good.
Alls I want to do is go crawl back into bed and stay there. Not possible, I have to work then my brother and I are going to go tear down the pool at mom and David's.
Should go rather fast with all the help.
Renita, I should not have messed with a good thing. What was I thinking? Was I that miserable with out it? No I think not. Yeah I know, I did the right thing but man it can go away and never come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On a good note the job is going great, learning alot of new things. The Dr. is nice and patient. Which helps when I mess up.
Miss the neices and nephew terribly. E-man has a football game Monday and I won't get to go. I hope mom takes alot of pics. Or Rebecca does and then posts them. HINT HINT.
My oldest lss has been e-mailing regularly. He is enjoying college. Been there a month and has already changed his major. Still pre-med. How long that will last who knows. They say kids change their major at least 3 times before they graduate. We just hope that whatever he decides on will make him happy.
My youngest and last lss is a Jr. in H.S. and is doing really well. B's and C's!!!!!!!!! He is sprouting wings. Doing more things and trying new things. Which is great!!!!! He tends to be a homebody like his father.
My lb is doing good. He is having problems with Tasha (his dog). She is acting sooooooooooooo weird. He's afaird that she is dying. She is 13 yrs old. So Please pray for him and Tasha. It would destroy him if something happened to her.
My lh is also doing good. His job keeps him busy. He has grown fond of a stray cat.
UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you know me I am not an animal lover at all. Does anybody want 3 cats and a bird that doesn't know what it means to shut the H#&* up. Oh my word!!!! If I could just pinch his head off I would feel better. I won't, don't like animals but would never hurt them. I can dream tho can't I? To bad you can't hear him now.
SHUT UP already.
Well make it a great day. Me I am going to go to work, tear down the pool and then climb back into to bed with a heating pac.
Make it go away PLEASE