This old house
Corn Field I did not get that close. Ok I kinda did. But I watched it like a hawk. You know kids live in there. HAHAHAHA
River runs thru it.
trees in the forest or is it forest for the trees
This is Jack he is a rabbit. Or maybe it's Jack Rabbit. Who know's for sure
This is weeping willow. He cries ponds. No not rivers ponds. He is very sad
Dragon fly. Ok so he isn't flying,I didn't name him.
Red headed wood pecker. His head was not that red this morning, mom forgot to put the suncreen on. Poor thing
Pile of Poo. Yeah I know but doesn't it look cool. Anybody for a cow chip throwing contest. No? are you sure it's alot of fun.
Deer in the headlights shot. He/she didn't move for forever. Good thing I didn't have anything to shoot him with.. Oh who am I kidding, I was scared he would run and kill me.
Have a wonderful day.

HEEHEE!! LOVE the captions! I will come back and read them again when I need to laugh!!
Pie says Hi!! and she loves you.:)
tell Pie I love her to. It was a good day.
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